We got our chicks on Sunday! Three Rhode Island Reds and two Welsummers and they are so adorable I can't even stand it. We got them a little late in the game so their feathers are already starting to come in. They should be all grown and laying eggs by October. We haven't given them any names yet. I'm hoping I can tell them apart better as they get bigger. If not, I'll just paint their toenails different colors and name them accordingly.
This little gal is obviously over me. But just makes me love her more.
They aren't too keen on being held right now. Some chirp non-stop till I put them down and some just mad dog me. I asked Curtis if I should sleep by them the first night to make sure they were okay. I have fond childhood memories of my mom sleeping with her head in the kennel so our new puppy wouldn't be upset. Curtis gave me the side eye and gently reminded me that they were farm animals and they would be fine.
For now, we are keeping them in the garage in their makeshift home, a cardboard box with some sawdust shavings. The weird glow is from the heating lamp which makes them look radioactive. Perhaps with the next batch of chicks, I can experiment with actual radioactivity and create a race of super chickens that will follow my every command as we strike terror into the hearts of the citizens of Colorado.
Nothing like celebrating after a long day of chicken pickin'.
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